Clapham Journal

Board Update – 4/7/20

Dear Clapham School Families,


We hope this email finds your family well. Please take a few moments today to watch this video message from the Clapham School Board of Directors. Thank you to Board Member Anders Smith for delivering this message. 



Also know that our board members are available to you if you’d like to contact them. Their email addresses are listed below.


Chris Stiernagle, President – [email protected]

Carolina Dalmas, Treasurer – [email protected]

Rachel Zoeller, Secretary – [email protected]

Katie Klos – [email protected]

Anders Smith – [email protected]

Kathy Bailey, Head of School – [email protected]


To Donate online to the Annual Fund, please visit:

Checks may be made out to Clapham School and mailed to P.O. Box 209, Wheaton, IL 60187 or to Clapham School, c/o College Church, 332 E. Seminary Ave., Wheaton, IL 60187


School “Office Hours”: Calls to the school phone, 630-547-5125, will be answered by Emily Arnold on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10 a.m.-Noon. All voicemails left on the school phone are forwarded to administrators who will be happy to return your call.  (The school building remains closed.)


Tuition Assistance Awards: The Finance Committee is working on award decisions with the goal of informing all applicants of awards by April 30.


We are praying for you! Continue to pray for one another as we travel together through these days and weeks of separation from friends and family. 


With gratitude and joy,







