Clapham Journal

Core Values Vlog, Part 2: Discipleship

Core values express the fundamental beliefs and guiding principles of an organization. Clapham School is a value-rich environment that provides a different kind of education, especially in a day and age where so many values have eroded.


Christian Classical Education Core Values


Earlier this year Mr. Atchison succinctly expressed our six core values. There he placed the necessity of maintaining our core values within the context of our present health crisis during a global pandemic.

In this six-part series, Dr. Egan will explore in a little more depth each of the six core values. In this next installment of our vlog series, Dr. Egan summarizes this essential core value that sets our school apart as an environment of Christ-centered learning. 



Stay tuned over the coming weeks to for further posts on the rest of our core values.




