Key Dates

Application & Tuition Assistance Dates

Please note that all applicant decisions will be made after full completion of the admissions process, which includes receiving all supporting documentation, evaluating all assessment results, completing interviews, etc.

For Full-Paying Families

Admissions applications are open for new families. Applicants who complete the application process by the end of each month and are not applying for tuition assistance will receive an admission decision on the 15th of the following month. Admissions decisions will be made on a rolling basis.

For Families Who need Tuition Assistance

Applications and FACTS (tuition assistance) applications are open for new families. Families applying for tuition assistance by January 15 and completing the application process by January 31 will receive admissions and tuition assistance decisions by February 15.

Deadline #1 for tuition assistance for priority consideration. Families applying for tuition assistance will receive admissions and tuition assistance decisions by February 15.

Deadline #1 for completing application process. Families applying for tuition assistance will receive admissions and tuition assistance decisions by February 15.

Deadline #2 for tuition assistance. Families applying for tuition assistance will receive admissions and tuition assistance decisions by March 15.

Deadline #2 for completing application process. Families applying for tuition assistance will receive admissions and tuition assistance decisions by March 15. 

Applications received after February 28 will be reviewed and decisions will be announced as families complete the full admissions process.

Tuition Assistance Key Dates Summary

Priority Track

Secondary Track

Key Dates Summary

Priority Track

January 15

January 31

February 15

Secondary Track

February 15

February 28

March 15

"The main way God has provided for us is through Clapham's tuition assistance program. We did not know what to expect, but we have always been asked to pay an amount we could afford. And one year when it was more than we thought we could pay, a family member contributed something toward the remainder. God has provided every year, and we continually have new reasons to thank Him for keeping us at the school."

Clapham Parent
