Clapham Journal

Meet Miss Nelson, Class Three Teacher at Clapham School

This summer Clapham School welcomes a new face to the faculty. Even though Miss Nelson started teaching at Clapham last Spring, we want to give our new C3 teacher a warm welcome. Whether you’ve already met her, or she’s a new face for you, this article introduces everyone to Miss Nelson. Learn more about our C3 teacher.

Sarah Nelson

Sarah Nelson

Q.   Where did you grow up?

A.  I grew up in the Midwest. We lived in Midland, Michigan through my elementary school years. In middle and high school, my family lived in the western suburbs of Chicago where I attended Timothy Christian School. My family relocated to Columbus, Ohio my senior year of high school. Then I returned to the western suburbs for college where I attended Wheaton College. 


Q.   When did you decide to become a teacher?

A.   I’ve thought about being a teacher since I was young, however, it was in high school that I decided that this was the path I wanted to take. My junior and senior year of high school I was able to assist teachers in the elementary schools connected with my high school during a free period. Both of these years, I fell in love with the simple yet profound wisdom that children share, the excitement of learning new ideas, and the joy of sharing those new ideas with others.


Q.   What are you currently reading for enjoyment?

A.   Earlier this summer I enjoyed reading about Corrie Ten Boom’s life in The Hiding Place. Currently I am reading The Art Of Intelligence by Henry A. Crumpton for our family book club, which is a story about the life of a man who worked for the CIA, along with A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. Though I have interspersed a few children’s books that I love to reread.


Q.  What interests do you pursue outside of teaching?

A.    I love doing anything active, whether that is going for walks with friends, playing sports, or working out. I also love anything by the water and love paddle boarding and surfing whenever I get the chance. In my free time, I also love to read and play the piano. Another interest that I picked up a few years ago was learning American Sign Language. I was able to take a few classes while I was home for summers during college and enjoy continuing to learn on my own.

Q.    What is your favorite meal?

A.   One of my favorite meals to have for dinner is tacos with chips and guacamole, and finishing with chocolate peanut butter ice cream for dessert!


Q.   What is your favorite quote?

A.    “The will of God is always a bigger thing than we bargain for, but we must believe that whatever it involves, it is good, acceptable and perfect.” – Jim Elliot


Clapham School is proud to welcome Miss Nelson as our new C3 teacher. We look forward to seeing her in the halls and benefitting from her gifting and obvious love for life and teaching. Welcome Sarah! We are so glad you are here.

