Clapham Journal

National Latin Exam Results 2020

The Latin program at Clapham School has a unique structure that starts early and builds students slowly to a high level of competency with an uncommon breadth of vocabulary. From the earliest grades we use a challenging text all in Latin that was originally designed by a Danish classicist, Hans Orberg, to be used as a correspondence course with adults.


Lingua LatinaThird graders at Clapham begin in Orberg’s Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata (The Latin Language Illustrated through Itself), Pars I: Familia Romana (Part I: A Roman Family) and meet for three 30 min periods a week. In 6th grade students progress to three 40 min. periods a week. As such, our slow-building and unique, yet rigorous program does not map easily onto standard high school language programs. There are times where students have learned Latin grammar not tested at their National Latin Exam level, but have not been exposed to other concepts that were tested.


Nevertheless, we wanted to highlight our results from this year’s National Latin Exam.




Our 6th graders took the Introduction to Latin Exam and two students received the Ribbon and Certificate of Achievement, the highest awards for this exam:

            Ben Johnston

            Sarah Pykkonen

Two other students received the Certificate of Achievement:

            Dominic Arcadi

            Ellie Stiernagle


Our 7th and 8th graders both took the Latin I Exam. Five students received the second-place award of a Silver Medal and Maxima Cum Laude Certificate:

            Ian Dalmas

            Annie Pykkonen

            Finn Williams

            Abe Rynbrandt

            Cale Zoeller

Four students received the third-place award of a Magna Cum Laude Certificate:

            Megan Hinchee

            Elena MacAdam

            Alexander Meyer

            Sophia Pursley

Two students received the fourth-place award of a Cum Laude Certificate:

            Caedmon Bauer

            Brice Diehl


Two Upper School students participated in the Latin III Exam and of them one received the third-place award of a Magna Cum Laude Certificate:

            Ella Rynbrandt


Three Upper School students participated in the Latin IV Prose Exam and of them two received the third-place award of a Magna Cum Laude Certificate:

            Ari Escareño

            Priscilla Logan




Many other students performed well, but we wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate these students’ achievement in this area. Congratulations to all who received an award. These will be distributed when next we meet face-to-face.



