While academics are a high priority at Clapham, we embrace the reality that children are persons of mind, body, and soul.
The training of the gymnasium, therefore, is crucial for the holistic development of students. God created humans with bodies capable of both strength and dexterity, so that they can perform any number of physical tasks, whether it be shooting a basketball, spiking a volleyball, or serving a neighbor who needs help moving a piece of furniture.
Middle School Sports
As a member of the Suburban Elementary Athletic Conference (SEAC), Clapham competes against a variety of middle schools in volleyball, basketball, and cross country.
- Cross Country (4th-12th)
- Girls Volleyball (5th-8th)
- Boys Basketball (5th-8th)
- Girls Basketball (5th-8th)
- Boys Volleyball (5th-8th)

Sports Clinics
Clapham School offers a variety of sports clinics throughout the year.
- Boys Golf (6th-12th)
- Soccer Clinic (4th-8th)
- Co-Ed Running Club (3rd-8th)
- Girls Volleyball (3rd-8th)
- Boys Basketball (3rd-8th)
- Girls Basketball (3rd-8th)
- Co-Ed Soccer (3rd-8th)
We believe...
Participation in sports have indirect benefits in the classroom and beyond. Learning to dribble a basketball, for example, builds gross motor skills, but it also strengthens the ability to stay focused, work hard, and practice for mastery. These mental habits, we believe, improve performance in the classroom. Likewise, the vigorous training and exercise required for physical excellence requires the development of character: diligence, perseverance, humility, and more. With the support of a coach, the encouragement of a unified team, and the inspiration of a worthy goal, the Clapham athlete grows in maturity both on and off the field.