Statement of Faith
We believe in God...
- Who has primary concern for His own glory and provides the example for all we do at Clapham School.
- Who is the Infinite Author and Sustainer of all things, who called the universe into being, created persons in His own image, and set before each one the ways of life and death.
- Who in holiness and love sent prophets and apostles to declare His will and who, in the fullness of time, sent forth His Son, Jesus Christ, to be our crucified and risen Savior.
- Who, in Jesus Christ, lived among us, shared our common lot, set a perfect example, taught with divine authority, died in the place of sinners, and rose again to give salvation to all who believe in Him.
- Who, with Christ, sent the Holy Spirit to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment, and to create and renew the Church that unites faithful people of all ages, tongues, and races.
- Who has called us by grace into His church through faith in Jesus Christ to accept the cost of discipleship, to proclaim the gospel to the world, and to serve our neighbor in humility and love.
- Who grants us forgiveness and grace, who calls us to share in His work in the world, who assures us of the triumph of good over evil, and who brings us home to the glory of His presence.
- Who calls us to a life of obedience to faith in the cross of Christ, and who, through His Spirit, enables us to serve Him and approach His world with truth and grace for life to all who believe.
- Who has revealed Himself and His will in Holy Scripture, which is without error or untruth, and is our final authority.
Rooted and grounded in the historic Christian faith, Clapham School is neither sectarian nor parochial, and it is unaffiliated with any one specific church or denomination.