Clapham Christian Classical School

Kathryn Iversen

Class One Aide


BA in Communication from Texas A&M University, Summa Cum Laude
MA in Theological Studies from Covenant Theological Seminary, Summa Cum Laude.


Kathryn served in full-time vocational ministry with the Navigators for over a decade both stateside and internationally. She lived in New Zealand with her husband and children for four years where they pioneered a campus ministry at Auckland University. Still working part-time with The Navigators of Chicago, and serving in women’s ministry in her church, Kathryn continues to disciple young women and lead Bible Studies. She is passionate about discipleship and seeing it take place within her own home and in the education of children. Her three children attend Clapham Christian School.


Kathryn enjoys reading an array of different books, playing games with her family, and spending time with friends over good cups of coffee. She loves to get outdoors for long hikes and exploring new places.


Kathryn and her husband Andy attend and serve at Christ Presbyterian Church in Wheaton with their three children.
