Miranda Quinn

Middle School Principal, Class Eight


BA in Classical Education Studies from Belhaven University
BMus in Violin Performance from Belhaven University


Miranda graduated summa cum laude from Belhaven University with a BA in Classical Education Studies and a BMus in Violin Performance. While at Belhaven, Miranda won leadership and service awards for starting a new music society which discussed 20th century classical music and musical aesthetics. She was an honors fellow at Belhaven and received first place in Oral Humanities at the Mississippi Honors Conference her senior year. Miranda joined the Clapham School faculty in 2018.


Miranda enjoys long conversations over cups of coffee, reading books, and learning more every day what it means to be made in the image of God. She is deeply grateful to the Lord for the blessing of her husband, Dan, a wonderful partner and friend, and her beautiful one-year-old daughter, Elena.


Miranda and her husband, Dan, attend All Souls Anglican Church.
