Clapham Journal

Chapel 4/20/20 – Messengers of God to the Whole World 1

Join us for chapel this morning, led by Jason Barney, Academic Dean, for the first message in the series “Messengers of God to the Whole World.” 


We normally begin at about 8:30 am, but gather your family and begin whenever works best for you!


Begin chapel with a family prayer. Then sing “Christ The Lord Is Risen Today” led by Dr. and Mrs. LeMahieu. If you don’t have the music with you, download it here


Once you’re done, watch Mr. Barney’s message on Acts 1 hitting the following points:

  • Ambassadors of the King 
    • Waiting for the Holy Spirit
  • Witnesses of the Resurrection
    • Proclaiming Prophetic Fulfillment


After the message, sing our school song “Truth for Life” and close in prayer. 


chapel buddies


Have a great day everyone!
