Clapham Journal

“I Believe” – 2022-2023 Chapel Series

Join us for chapel each Tuesday, 8:35 a.m.

I Believe

“I believe in God.” According to the most recent Pew Research Center study, this is a statement with which the vast majority (approximately 90%) of Americans still agree. Of course, once you draw a distinction between belief in a generic “higher power” and “the God of the Bible,” the numbers begin to plummet. It’s interesting to me that although many people assume the Bible is primarily about caring for others rather than judging them (a sentiment expressed at length recently on the morning radio show I listen to), there is still a sense that “the God of the Bible” is about something else – that we should doubt his existence, or more likely still, wish him into non-existence, lest he ruin our fun. 

During our chapel times this year, we will attempt to cut through some of this confusion, often identified today with those who are “spiritual but not religious.” Our series, entitled “I Believe,” will examine the Apostles’ Creed through the lens of Scripture. We will meet a God who is much more personal than a generic higher power and who cares about us at a deeper level than merely ensuring ease or enjoyment in our lives. Perhaps, an implicit “still” belongs with the chapel theme – despite the challenges we face, “I still believe.” Because of our curricular focus, belief at Clapham can, at times, seem reduced to an area of academic inquiry.

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Explorers get help from a Class Eight buddy

My hope is that through the chapel talks and testimonies from the wider Clapham community that are planned for this year, students will sense that they are a part of a community of faith in addition to a community of inquiry; that they are surrounded and supported by teachers, administrators, and parents who see Christian orthodoxy not as a restrictive killjoy, but as foundational for a life rich in purpose and meaning. I hope you will join us on Tuesday mornings (8:35-9:00) as we hear from God’s Word in chapel this year.   

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