A New Kind of College Prep
Clapham School announces the opening of Class Nine for the 2012-13 school year. Applications are now being accepted for spaces in a high school program which is unavailable anywhere else in the surrounding area.
Does your student desire real learning that challenges the mind? Is she tired of a
high school experience that involves churning out work, passing the test, and checking off the task list to get into college? Does your student want to flourish in high school and therefore know how to get the best out of college? Does he want the time to think and ponder with teachers who care about God’s truth?
Clapham Upper School is the place for you!
Distinctives include:
- Integrated humanities seminar featuring authors like Homer, Herodotus, Plato, and St. Luke
- Discussion-based learning in all disciplines through Socratic dialogue
- Dual credit/AP level courses for upper classmen
- Four years of math and science to graduate
- Strong critical thinking and writing skills emphasized
- Advanced Latin study and modern language required
- Single-sex advisory time
- Monthly seminars on career and educational topics
- Emphasis on Pastoral Care
- Physical Education as required participation on sports teams
- Music and art as core courses
- Senior year thesis and defense
- Counseling for college and gap year opportunities
Our instructors are a purposeful combination of scholar-mentor, providing inspiration in the classroom and out by shepherding toward habits of service, responsibility, initiative and independence. Our teachers call students up to a high level of scholarship, but primarily seek to instill a love for God, his Word, and an eagerness to serve Christ by cultivating his goodness, truth and beauty in the world.
Call Clapham School at 630.547.5125 for more information or check out our landing page at www.claphamschool.com/claphams-upper-school.html.
****Does your homeschool student want a “taste” of Clapham? Please inquire about sports and fine arts opportunities at 630.547.5125.****