Clapham Christian Classical School

Clapham Journal

Parent Interview Series: Brett Everett

Brett Everett and his family became part of the Clapham community in 2021, when their daughter, Grace, joined Explorers I. They have jumped into Clapham life wholeheartedly!

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Brett and Danielle with their children, Grace, Alden, and Caroline (And dog, Mac!).

  1. What brought you to Clapham?

While our oldest daughter was attending her first year of preschool, my wife and I began to seriously consider what was most important to us regarding our children’s education. Knowing our children would spend about 16,000 hours in school and away from our family, we knew that we needed to find a school that would help us give our children a strong Christian worldview in a strong Christian community. We wanted our children to be in a school with teachers who would be intentional in shaping our children both spiritually and intellectually.

We researched our options and came across classical Christian education and were immediately sold. Better yet, we discovered Clapham, a classical Christian school, was only a 20-minute drive from our home. We set up a tour and were truly blown away by what the students were learning here compared to other schools. In every class we observed on our tour, the students were actually learning and engaged the entire time. Clapham’s Charlotte Mason influences also stood out to us. We loved the focus on living books and high-quality literature, teaching students the art of narration, and the habit training that takes place every single day. After our tour, we knew right away we would do anything to send our children here.

In the relatively short time we’ve been at Clapham, the school and its community greatly exceeded our expectations.


  1. Tell us about your family (Kids, pets, etc.).  How did you and your wife meet?

I’m married to my wife, Danielle, and we just celebrated our 7th anniversary. We have three children, Grace, 5 (who will be in Explorers II this year), Alden, 3, and Caroline, 1. We also have an English Shepherd named MacArthur (I’m a big history buff so he is named after General MacArthur, and we call him Mac for short).

My wife and I met in 2012 in Columbia, Missouri. I had just graduated from West Point and was stationed nearby while she was in Columbia for her senior year at the University of Missouri. While visiting the campus, a friend introduced us. We started dating soon after and the rest is history.

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  1. What do you do for a living? Did you know you wanted to do this, or are you surprised to find yourself here?

Right now, I work in corporate finance for Frito-Lay. I am very surprised that I found myself here, as this is my second career. After graduating from high school in California, I attended West Point for college and thought I was going to make a career out of the Army. However, God had different plans for me and I transitioned out of the military in 2017.


  1. What do you like to do in your free time?

During my free time (which as you can imagine is very limited with three small kids) I enjoy reading. I’m extremely interested in history, particularly American and Ancient military history.


  1. Is there anything you would love to learn, but just haven’t found the time for?

I would love to learn the trade of woodworking. Not only would it be a good excuse to buy a bunch of power tools, but I would love to be able to make furniture for my family and grandkids someday.


  1. What is one of the most interesting places you’ve ever been?

There are so many interesting places to choose from with lots of rich history, but if I had to pick one, it would be Rome. Visiting Rome took my breath away. Being able to walk through the ancient Roman Forum and visit the ancient Christian necropolis under the Vatican gave me pause. It was humbling to know I was standing in the place where many important aspects of western civilization took root.

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  1. If you could go back and give your 18-year-old self a piece of advice, what would it be?

If I could go back, I would tell myself to always focus on what truly matters, maintaining and strengthening your relationship with God and serving him.

Also, the world right now is filled with lies and distractions, so it’s important to have a long-term view and stay focused on the end game. I’d tell myself not to get bogged down in the small obstacles that happen over the years and to never take the easy route, but rather the path that is right. Trust that God does have a plan for you and has given you gifts that you will use for the benefit of his kingdom.  

Thank you, Brett! We praise the Lord for bringing your family to Clapham!

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