Clapham Journal

Secondary School Fall Day Retreat 2021

The Secondary School Retreat is an annual tradition at Clapham School. This year we went to a new location: Dickson Valley Camp & Retreat Center.

The Fall Day Retreat serves as a wonderful opportunity for students across the Secondary School to build new relationships, strengthen old friendships, and learn how to grow in community through playing sports, solving puzzles, and communing around food. 


One of the favorite activities was tubing.


Students rose to the challenge on the Challenge Course.


Throughout the day games like Volleyball, 9 Square in the Air, and Gaga Ball erupted.


Students enjoyed making friendships and having lunch together.

The Secondary School had an amazing time at Dickson Valley. Between hours of laser tag, team building activities, snow tubing in the summer sun, and sand volleyball, every student found an activity where they could contribute to their team and grow in community with their peers.





